Thursday, November 11, 2010

轉眼間便是聖光師父三步一拜圓滿拜到五台山的三週年了, 時光匆匆, 但在我們腦海裹好像是昨天的事, 雖然聖光師父尚在中國遊學還未回來。無論師父在那裹, 當我們想起三步一拜時總會記起這位堅持信念的師父, 他的堅持使他成功完成了三步一拜, 由湛山精舍拜到比得堡市的五台山。同時也使我們想起一班非常發心煮餐及送餐的師兄及義工們對師父的支持!

Ven. Shengguang Shi’s 3S1B pilgrimage from Cham Shan Temple to Peterborough’s Wutaishan was completed three years ago today but it seems just happened yesterday. Although he is on sabbatical in China now, it looks as if he is with us in Canada every time when we are thinking about Wutaishan. As we are thinking about his pilgrimage which took him 6 months to complete, all the volunteers who delivered food and devotees who followed Shengguang Shi for 3S1B seems appearing in front of us and all their kind acts come back in our memories. Shengguang Shi’s pilgrimage gives us encouragement, wonderful memories and an excellent example of practicing “Six Paramitas”. We thank Ven. Shengguang Shi for giving us the opportunity of learning and cultivating the way of purification.(Tom)

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