Thursday, May 13, 2010

3S1B Anniversary Lunch

時間過得真快, 轉舜間已經是聖光師完成三步一拜的第三年了, 他從二零零八年五月十一日開始三步一拜, 由湛山精舍拜到加國五台山, 師父足足用了半年的時間去完成他的莊舉, 師父的堅持及不屈不朽的精神, 我們都會銘記於心。今年的五月十日師父已出外參學去了,師父希望此行能尋找到他想学的佛法及啟發他的智慧, 我們大家在這裡默默祝福師父早日找到他想学的佛法,及早日回耒教導我們如何開悟。以下一些照片是聖光法師臨行前與他的佛學班學生及三步一拜的義工們合照。 仁勤合十

Today is the 3rd anniversary of Ven. Shengguang Shi’s Three Steps One Bow (3S1B) pilgrimage. Ven. Shengguang Shi started his 3S1B pilgrimage from Cham Shan Temple to Wutaishan in Peterborough on May 11, 2008. This enormous task took him more than 6 months to complete. We will forever remember in our hearts the endurance, fortitude, and high spirits he displayed throughout the 3S1B.

Our teacher left us to go on a sabbatical in China May 10th 2010. He is planning to advance his Dharma understanding by joining several special retreats there. We wish him the best and that he will be able to realize his lifetime dream and hope that he will come back soon to enlighten us in class.

The following are some photos of Ven. Shengguang Shi with his students and the 3S1B volunteers. These were taken at the Joe Yee Vegetarian restaurant on May 2, 2010, one week before his trip to China. Please click one of the photos to see the rest of the pictures in the photo album.
- Kam and Tom

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