說起來真的很幸運地參加了由聖光法師帶領的參拜禪宗諸祖寺廟之旅, 在這次參祖過程中見識不少, 而且感受良多, 印像深刻的是在柏林寺做早課, 當天是一個十五的早上,我們從寮房走到大雄宝殿約需十分钟,在路上只有月亮的光把我們照耀著,大殿門開啟後, 大家都是摸黑地進入殿內, 只見一位出家人把兩盞小小的油燈點著, 大家鴉雀無聲地靜靜等待,心裏想著:這裏也真的夠環保了, 為甚麼不開燈呢?鑼鼓聲響起了, 燈依然還沒有亮, 只見那小小油燈在殿內閃爍著, 開經了, 我心裏還有點兒埋怨著看不到經書裏的字, 唯有一心住念, 跟大隊唱誦, 半小時後,約 5:30am, 外面漸漸有小小的晨光隨隨地透進了大殿內,噢!那種感覺真的很特別啊, 跟著也聽到雀鳥聲及雞啼聲,與我們誦經的聲音溶滙一體, 那種感覺真的是非筆墨所能形容的, 而且從光線透入的過情中, 我就想起了達義師父說過, 唐代建築是如何盡量把陽光吸進到殿內, 當跪拜時又想起師父說大殿柱子是如何的鼎天立地豎立在大殿內, 總之這個早課可以說我沒有尊心誦經, 但這種感受實在太美了, 在此感激聖光師父在三步一拜後又給了我這難忘的另一種感受。
Dear Dharma Friends:
We were very lucky to have the opportunity of joining The China Trip this year. This trip was led by Ven. Shengguang Shi to pay homage to early Chán Patriarchs, studying early Chán history and experience traditional monastic life on locations in related Temples of the Chán Buddhism in China. I learnt a lot from this trip about Chán temples and their early cultures and developments. This trip gave me many wonderful memories.
The most profound impression was made in Bai Lin Temple. It was the 15th day of May in Chinese calendar at 5:00 a.m. The whole area was very quiet and very dark in the morning. There were not even a small light in the Main Hall and hallways. When the main door opened, we were walking totally in the dark into the main hall. We only saw an elderly monk who was igniting two small oil lamps very slowly. We were waiting in the main hall quietly. I was just wondering why they did not turn on any light. Were they really very environmentally conscious or trying to save energy? I was wondering at that moment.
The morning ceremony already began with drums and bells but still there were only two small oil lamps flickering in the hall. Recitation began and I was silently complaining why they did not turn on any light so that we were able to see the words in the ceremonial ritual manual. The only thing I could do was to chanting and reciting whole hearty along with others in the hall. Half hour had passed. That was around 5:30a.m. There was a tiny sunlight secretly passing through the windows and moving slowly inside to the centre of the hall gradually. Oh! that kind of special feeling and impression could not be described in words. The birds started singing and the cocks started crowing. These sounds blending with the chanting and reciting gave us a transcending feeling and made the whole place very sacred and wonderful. This special feeling was beyond words.
Plenty of the sunlight passing through the windows prompts me to remember Ven. Dayi Shi’s lecture. He mentioned that one of the key features of Tang dynasty temple was to allow abundant sunlight penetrating through large windows and doors to the centre of the hall. Then, when we prostrated and pay respect to Buddha by kneeling down, I saw large pillars. This let me again remember Ven. Dayi Shi’s words about the pillars. He said the pillars to be used in Wutaishan temple in Peterborough will carry important and tough tasks, as if they are holding up the sky and supporting the earth. Obviously, my mind at that moment was not focusing on chanting and reciting. However, this feeling was so beautiful and grateful that we cannot find in anywhere else. Thanks to Ven. Shengguang Shi gave us another unforgettable moment after his “Three Steps One Bow” Pilgrimage to Wutaishan in Canada.
Palms Together
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